Welcome to new guest blogger, Alexandra Polidora, age 10. She takes lessons at Chestnut Hill, and loves spending time at the barn. She wrote all the text and took many of the photos. Go to the post and add a comment, or share via FB! ~~ Editor.
At Chestnut Hill you don’t only meet horses, you meet friends.
And you don’t just become friends with people but with horses, cows, sheep and chickens too.
There is never a place at Chestnut Hill where you won’t feel welcome.
Besides the wonderful pleasure of riding, there are many other fun things you can do with the horses that will be almost just as fun.
You can wash them up, feed them treats, make and deliver their food, give them love, and much more.
Our wonderful trainers/friends Katy, John and Beverly help us through and through. With them around there is always a vibe to never give up.
Also our grooms Ricardo and Avel are always there with their arms wide open to help.
- Head groom, Ricardo.
At Chestnut hill we have big horses, small horses, brown horses, black horses, white horses, red horses, multi-corlored horses, special horses, and My Little Pony!
After a day or even a minute you will find a pal that leads to a wonderful tale!